
This section is intended to demonstrate the main functionality of SECOMO on a small toy dataset.

Loading sample dataset

Assuming you have successfully install the secomo package, you can load a sample dataset consisting of Oct4 ChIP-seq peaks from embryonic stem cells (ESCs)

import secomo

# Obtain sample sequences in one-hot encoding
onehot = secomo.load_sample()

The original DNA sequences first need to be converted to one-hot encoding


The sample sequences are contained in the secomo package in fasta format. Generally, fasta files can be loaded and converted to one-hot encoding according to

# Convert to one-hot
seqs = secomo.readSeqsFromFasta("path/to/seq.fa")
onehot = secomo.seqToOneHot(seqs)

Train SECOMO’s convolutional RBM model

Next, we instantiate a cRBM to learn 10 motifs of length 15 bp and train it on the provided sequences

# Obtain a cRBM object
model = secomo.CRBM(num_motifs = 10, motif_length = 15)

# Fit the model


The CRBM object can be instantiated with a number of training-related hyper-parameters, e.g. number of epochs. See API for more information.


Optionally, the fit method also accepts a validation dataset on which the training progress is monitored. This makes it easier to detect overfitting. If no validation set is supplied, the progress is reported on the training set.

Save and restore the parameters

After having trained the model, it is common to store the parameters reused them later for a subsequent analysis. To this end, the following methods can be invoked

# Save parameters and hyper-parameters

# Reinstantiate model
model = secomo.CRBM.loadModel('oct4_model_params.pkl')

Position frequency matrices

A common way to investigate patterns in DNA sequences is to model them as position frequency matrices (PFMs) which can be then nicely visualized. The model parameters (e.g. the weight matrices) learned by the cRBM can be converted to such PFMs, which can then be used for further downstream analysis. For this purpose one can utilize

# Get a list of numpy matrices representing PFMs

# Store the PFMs (by default in 'jaspar' format)
# in the folder './pfms/'
secomo.saveMotifs(model, path = './pfms/')

PFMs are frequently visualized in terms of sequence logos which can be obtained by

# Writes all logos in the logos/ directory
secomo.utils.createSeqLogos(model, path = "./logos/")

# Alternatively, an individual sequence logo can be created:
# Get first motif
pfm = model.getPFMs()[0]

# Create a corresponding sequence logo
secomo.utils.createSeqLogo(pfm, filename = "logo1.png", fformat = "png")

Motif matches

Next, we inspect at which positions in a set of DNA sequences motif matches are present. The per-position motif match probabilities can be obtained as follows

# Per-position motif match probabilities
# for the first 100 sequences
matches = model.motifHitProbs(onehot[:100])

Here, matches represents a 4D numpy array comprising the match probabilities with dimensions Nseqs x num_motifs x 1 x (Seqlengths - motif_length + 1).

An average profile of match probabilities per-position can be illustrated using

# Plot positional enrichment for all motifs in the given
# test sequences
secomo.positionalDensityPlot(model, onehot[:100], filename = './densityplot.png')

Clustering analysis

Finally, we shall demonstrate that the sequence activations of similar sequences tend to cluster together. In order to visualize the clusters, we run TSNE dimensionality reduction using

# Run t-SNE dim reduction to 2D
tsne = secomo.runTSNE(model, onehot)

# Visualize the results in a scatter plot
secomo.tsneScatter({'Oct4': tsne}, filename = './tsnescatter.png')

# Visualize the results in the scatter plot
# by augmenting with the respective motif abundances
secomo.tsneScatterWithPies(model, onehot, tsne, filename = "./tsnescatter_pies.png")

Motif enrichment across different sets of sequences

This part concerns the analysis of multiple datasets with the same cRBM. In order to find out whether a specific motif (e.g. weight matrices) is enriched or depleted in a certain dataset relative to the others a violin plot can be created. In the following example, we just artificially split the Oct4 dataset into set1 and set2 to illustrate the function

# Assemble multiple datasets as follows
data = {'set1': onehot[:1500], 'set2': onehot[1500:]}

secomo.violinPlotMotifMatches(model, data,
        filename = os.path.join(path, 'violinplot.png'))

Summary of the full analysis

The full tutorial code can be found in the Github repository: crbm/tutorial.py